Monday, January 26, 2009

Notice, I Didn't Curse

I'm pretty upset today, because I came to the realization that my favorite airline, Mexicana, is a nasty, disgusting business and I hope it goes into bankruptcy and its dirty rotten employees remain unemployed forever.

I should have accepted this a long time ago, but I didn't because nothing bad had ever happened to me in the jillions of flights I've flown with them. They always seemed to be a vastly better option than the bare-bones American airlines like AA, United, and Delta. On those airlines, the seats are uncomfortable and tiny and always more expensive and the flight attendants seem really angry at you most of the time. But at least the workers don't steal from you while they're loading or unloading your baggage!

But I should have known better. They've stolen from my family members and friends who came all the way out here for my wedding, and, as I just found out recently, they treated my two best friends in the world like criminals (or worse) on their flight back to California, so much so that one of them resolved never, ever to come back again. Unless it was to the beach or some other touristy area where they really can't afford to meddle with the foreigners too much. And that made me sad to hear. When I asked her about it, she said that she hadn't wanted to tell me about her experience because she didn't want me to feel bad about it. But now I know, and I feel bad about it.

They also stole my aunt's brand new video camera, which was filled with lots and lots of adorable memories, I'm sure. And who knows what else. Apparently, as I'm finding out/accepting, being robbed while flying with Mexicana is a big problem.

I know that Mexico is a poor country and the people who stole a bag filled with brand new baby clothes that were given to AJ at her baby shower probably need it more than we do. I know that it could have been worse and they could have stolen something that I really NEEDED or something really VALUABLE, even though those clothes were given to her by people I love and had a lot of sentimental value. I know that it could have happened on any airline or in a number of situations not involving airlines, and that it probably happens in lots of different airlines in lots of different countries (including the US, I guess) every day. I know I should have packed my things better. I know I have to think these things to keep from feeling so angry.

And I also know that I really can't do anything about it, except write this blog entry and hope that someone out there reads it and flies some other airline instead as a result. Or just packs up their personal effects in such a way that makes it harder for Mexicana employees to steal.


Stou said...

Maybe for your next blog you should write about what actually happened... or better yet write a letter to the editor of some national newspaper or something... make some noise.

They stole my mom's whole suitcase, apparently filled with brand new outfits, when she went to mexico.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that this is an exclusively Mexicana problem as I have never had any of my stuff stolen nor have I heard anyone complain about their stuff being stolen on airlines other than Mexicana. This includes flying to Bulgaria which is also a poor country.

sixoryx said...

That's what happened... they stole a bag filled with brand new baby clothes with the tags still on that was inside my luggage. My guess is that they just grab whatever is separate and easy to steal.

It happens a lot in Mexico, but it happens all over the world (and in the USA) as well. Do a google search for "baggage theft" and see what comes up.

Anonymous said...

I flew china airline and they were the best i ever seen. If it is too cold or too hot they will adjust the temperature on the plane. I saw an attendent caring to a baby that was crying out of control. She handled it pretty well. She got them a baby carriage right next to the parents and some milk and rocked the baby right to sleep. All the american airline sucks also. Every time i travel, the only thing i'm afraid of is loosing my luggages. That is my most fear because it would sucks if i was in another country and have no clothes or any of my belonging to enjoy my vacation. But then you should know that Mexico is very corrupt also. People are not afraid to do stupid things out there cuz they are not really afaid of the law.

sixoryx said...

I liked China Air too, they were great. I liked that it had an upstairs although that part was first class, I think, so I didn't try to go up there.