Sunday, July 5, 2009

One Caught in Meth Lab Bust-Up

Daisy Mae


Stou said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stou said...

Oh how I wish I understood this.

(My deleted comment actually said the same exact thing but it had a typo in it... blogger is so stupid with it)

sixoryx said...

Ok I made it more so

sixoryx said...

I mean OK I made it more understandable

Stou said...

Wait... is that the evil pomeranian you had in Merced? The one that tried to attack me? It looks like a fox.

sixoryx said...

No, that was Pepe. This is Daisy. She has a fox face while Pepe has a teddy bear one.

Stou said...

Now your parents have two Pomeranians?

This one is cute... but only because I love Foxes.