Thursday, May 7, 2009



When I'm watching a movie and all of a sudden some ultra-nerdy character says something ultra-nerdy that only my sister would say.

Like Augie Farks did in Role Models:

*FYI* There was no copy of this scene to be found on all of the internets, so I had to upload my own. For all of those people wanting to know how I did it: First I put in a pirated copy of Role Models into my DVD player, then I fast-forwarded it to the scene I wanted, and pressed pause. Then I turned on my digital camera, and aiming it directly at the tv, I pressed the record button and the play button of the DVD remote control at the same time. I'm a technophile.


Stou said...

I am not sure it was worth the effort... or maybe I just don't get it.

Anyway... for next time:

For DVD ripping:

and for video cutting:

mle said...

Ha! I also found that line to be funny! I love that you have a pirated copy. I burn all my movies. Don't tell the FBI. And thanks for the instruction on how to upload my own video clip! LOL

sixoryx said...

Really? That makes me feel better. I always feel bad but I watch almost everything pirated, too... If the FBI comes for you you can hide out down here, ok?

Stou, ugh. I knew you wouldn't get it, you only watch Asshole Central

Elle Aiessae said...

Hah, Chuds! I totally laughed out loud at that!!!

Sisterly/Mercedian/non-Stou humor! :)