Rachael Ray comes on the American Network here and quite frankly, I'm feeling shocked, confused, and disgusted at the things she cooks on that show. Tonight she made Mac n´Cheese Hamburgers. I mean, she mixed up American cheese and cooked macaroni into hamburger meat and then made hamburgers. It was so disgusting I had to watch her do it, and then I went to http://www.rachaelray.com/ to see what other culinary delights she's gone and thought up. Her website is a glutton's treasure trove. I found:
Pozole Mexican Lasagna Wtf
Chili Dog Nachos Wtf
Spaghetti and Meatball Salad Wtf
Gumbo Style Chunky Hash with Fried Eggs Wtf
Cheesy Potato Snowballs with Roasted Red Pepper Buttermilk Ranch Wtf
Sloppy Joe Manicotti Bake Wtf
and much, much more.
Nasty. Every one of those recipes sounds like vomit on a plate to me. But more importantly, doesn't she realize who she's talking to? I read that in 2006 an estimated 80,000,000 people in the USA have some form of heart disease. I'm not saying that Rachael Ray should go all health nut on us, but she's taking "comfort food" way too far.
This is the kind of thing that brings tears of to the eyes of the dainty Elle Aiessae.
Woaaah... way harsh. I have one or two of her cookbooks and most of the stuff in there is pretty decent as far as quick food goes.
Besides I am sure she knows her audience (i.e. gluttonous americans) and thus makes things they'll enjoy stuffing down their fat faces.
It's all about ratings you know, who's going to watch her fillet a tuna for 30 minutes in order to make a delicate (and healthy) arrangement of rose shaped sashimi.
You have a Rachael Ray Cookbook? What's your favorite Rachael Ray Recipe?
I know it's all about ratings, but don't you think she goes overboard?
The Fatty McSnacksalot lifetime achievement award surely goes to Paula Deen.
Fried Balls of Butter. She wins.
Just . . . wow.
I thought at first you were just going to slam her for the Dunkin' Donuts endorsement. But you're slamming Rachael Ray for being Rachael Ray, and I think you're totally justified.
I don't know, Stou. I've never seen her shows or her food. But even if she's got ten vegetable entrées for every one of those dishes my sister listed -- and it sounds like she doesn't -- the utter horrendousness of those menu items alone should make you want to cry.
And vomit.
I knew you'd agree with me, Pisey.
500%. :)
I had a roommate about 3 years ago who la-la-LOVED Rachel Ray! I actually can't stand her. Today I turned the channel to her show just to give her another shot. And she has clearly endulged in her Fatty McSnacksalot title! She does not look like that pic at the top of your post anymore. Yikes! Maybe lay off the chili dog nachos. Spew.
I watched the E! (!E?) True Hollywood stories about her once and learned that she isn't a "crazed bitch" or anything like that... and you can't blame her for the lack of self control on the part of the american public...
I had no idea you were such a Rachael Ray fan! Kudos!!
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