Me: The reason I don't like fish soup is because I don't like things that are flavored like fish that aren't fish.
CC: Really
Me: Yeah. Does that make sense?
CC: Not really
Me: What do you mean, it doesn't make sense? Like for example, say you opened that avocado and tasted it and it tasted fishy. That would be gross, wouldn't it?
CC: That's weird.
Me: But doesn't that make sense?
CC: No
Me: I thought that you, of all people, would get me on this.
CC: (sensing danger, trying to pretend like he cares) So, you mean you don't like the flavor of fish.
Me: No! I like fish, if it's fish. Something that isn't fish shouldn't have a fish flavor.
CC: What about the Flavor of Love?
Me: I can't have a deep conversation with you.
CC: !!!¿This is deep?!!!
HA! It's back. :) So I TOTALLY get this.. I feel the same way about bananas. I love eating bananas, but I don't like banana-flavored things -- it goes so far as hating banana bread. Conversely, I have the opposite feelings about Watermelon. I hate real watermelon, but love watermelon-flavored things. CC is funny. 'Flavor of Love'. HAHAhahahaha
I believe the problem is that actual fresh fish doesn't taste like fish flavor. So what you don't like are things flavored with what is called "fish flavor" even though fish flavor does not equal to the flavor of actual fish. See there's no real paradox here.
Personally I hate everything that's flavored as something else... especially chocolate flavored things tend to be the most vile. I guess you can say I like flavors that "keep it real". Of course this doesn't apply to sauces and marinades.
You guys are so right... I never thought about this extending to things like chocolate or banana. I love watermelon flavored things, too, but I guess that they really dont taste like watermelon exactly, do they? Basically what happened was that I just wanted to engage him in conversation but he was distracted watching college basketball.
Well Big Sister got that one straight off. Other person's busy, so "engage in conversation" -- classic Little Sister. :)
Funny to read this, though. I remember you totally liking that fish-flavored cat food, way back when . . .
Emily B? Nice to see you! :)
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