I also had flu-like symptoms like fever, chills, and a sore throat. The worst part of it all was that instead of going to a simple doctor's visit for something lame like pink eye, which really just heals by itself, I had to go to the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM and wait LIKE AN HOUR AND A HALF for the hospital opthamologist to get there and give me a 15 minute exam so I could get my eye drops. The reason is because it is Semana Santa, or Easter week, so nobody is working and finding a doctor who isn't on vacation is impossible. I wouldn't have gone to a doctor for pink eye, either, but my eye looked so scary that I felt it necessary. It looked like I had some kind of STD in my eye.
You probably gave it to yourself, Chuds. Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually caused by different kinds of staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria -- the same bacteria that commonly cause your sore throat/ flu-like symptoms. Should be getting better now?
MY doctor told me it was viral... and you say it's bacterial. Hmm... In whom do I lay my trust? The 47 year old Mexican opthamologist (who said I only have a slight hint of kerataconus, I liked that) or Mrs. Newbie Grey? But you are right. I'm al better now, Meredith.
No offense, Chuds, but your doctor seriously acted like an idiot. :(
Most conjunctivitis IS viral, so in that sense, maybe he's right. But then WHY the HECK would he give you antibiotics?!! Those only work for bacterial infections. So if he thought you had viral, he's just contributing to antibiotic-resistance, making you spend money on useless prescriptions, putting you at risk for side-effects, and doing nothing for your eyes.
But based on the picture you posted (including lots of nasty yellow eye secretions), it looked more like a bacterial infection. That plus the fact you'd been given antibiotics was what made me think it was bacterial.
But nevermind. :(
Might want to be re-thinking those flu-like symptoms right about now...
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