I have no idea who. But somebody gave me pink eye this weekend. On Friday, to be exact. It was a nasty, aggressive strain of pink eye too, so in addition to my eye looking like this,

I also had flu-like symptoms like fever, chills, and a sore throat. The worst part of it all was that instead of going to a simple doctor's visit for something lame like pink eye, which really just heals by itself, I had to go to the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM and wait LIKE AN HOUR AND A HALF for the hospital opthamologist to get there and give me a 15 minute exam so I could get my eye drops. The reason is because it is Semana Santa, or Easter week, so nobody is working and finding a doctor who isn't on vacation is impossible. I wouldn't have gone to a doctor for pink eye, either, but my eye looked so scary that I felt it necessary. It looked like I had some kind of STD in my eye.