Name: AJ
Nicknames: Princess Candy, Miss Daisy, Locotiturris
Favorite things to do: taking baths, making her daddy be Morgan Freeman and drive her around while she looks at things and screams whenever he stops moving
Occupation: Baby
Bad Habits: Bulimia
Claim to Fame: freako eyelashes
AJ is a two-month old Mexican-American baby and January's person of the month. She was born in Clovis, California but lives in Queretaro and has already been to her first Casino, though she stayed in her hotel room for most of the trip. She was born at 8:18 on November the 8th of 2008, so now I'm into numerology because of all the 8's. Her doctor is a little old man who moves really slowly and dots his i's with little circles. Because she can't talk yet, CC does her voice for her thereby giving her a personality since she really doesn't have one of her own yet. She can only hold a smile for a good second or two, as Aunt Chaudrey pointed out, and the truth is that she really doesn't do anything remarkable, but this is sure to change as she's growing every day. So far she's an excellent baby and we love her and are very glad to have her around.
1 comment:
Funny -- Simmie has a personality, and she's not even a person.
Hey, so Stanford's Mixed Company acapella group's having their annual "Love Sucks" concert Friday, February 2nd . . . think AJ might want to peek in and out a little? I know she's lacking in personality, but she's always seemed the acapella baby type to me.
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