Bad News: We demoted Pippen from Pedigree to generic dog food. It's called Sportsman's Choice and it claims to be made of Lamb and Rice.
Good News: Pippen LOVES Sportsman's Choice!!! He ate two bowls of it right away and wanted more. And it costs half the price of Pedigree! We also bought the 25 kilo bag, which means that we won't have to buy dog food for a LONG time!
Bad News: We bought a 25 kilo bag. Sportsman's Choice gives him the nastiest gas EVER, comparable in frequency and room-clearing ability to that one time when we thought it would be a good idea to give him a whole bag of cat food "because look, he just loves it so much." We're currently in talks over whether we should go buy a bag of Pedigree so that he can continue to live with us inside the house or if we should make him move out of the house until he finishes his 25 kilos of Sportsman's Choice.
You could mix them (Sportsman's Choice and Pedigree, not Sportsmat's Choice and cat food). I do it with Simmie's Timothy and Brome grass, since Timothy's what chinches generally eat but she seems to favor the Brome.
This reminded me of our "Fortunately/Unfortunately" stories in Mrs. Albright's class! hahahaha
(It WAS her class, right? Or was it earlier -- like Mrs. Bottomly?)
I didn't go to Muir, remember? I went to Sheehy. We got separated in the 4th grade. It must have been Mrs. Albright's class because I don't remember that. I can't wait to talk to you and tell you what I DO remember. LOL
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