Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean-Jacques Wamutombo of the Houston Rockets.
And because he sounds exactly like Cookie Monster with just a touch of Yoda, he wins Best Voice of the Month, too. Here is an example. Its much better when he speaks in English but its the best sample I could find.
The winner for the female category of Best Name I've Heard This Month goes to:

Dra. Ladydiana Guitierrez Rodriguez of Michoacan, Mexico.
Unfortunately, I do not personally know Dr. Ladydiana but have been informed of her existence by excellent sources not known to lie. Therefore, the above representation is only a rough estimation of her physical appearance.
Back when the sum of our ages couldn't have been more than 9, my sister and I were tagging along in the car on some errand or another when I reached deep into the crevice of the car's back seat and pulled out a crusty, linty piece of cat food. I told my sister it was a Boston baked bean. Did it matter that neither of us knew what a Boston baked bean was, or that I knew what the thing I gave her wasn't? Apparently not, because she ate it and I let her. I think at another point, I remember trying the same trick with a "Boston Baked Bean" made of silly putty, though I don't remember what came of that.
On 5/23/1998: "This cheese tastes like Heaven." Also "My head feels like a big cheese" and "It landed cheese-down."
On 3/23/1998: "I like food." We know, Judy; we know.
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