My friend and I, dressed in very formal attire and sitting in the middle of a very fancy-schmancy dinner party, were having a very enthusiastic and rather loud conversation about proper stool and urine sample etiquette at the Doctor's office.
I opined that one should look for a way to set the sample down somewhere preferably hidden without having to pass it over to someone else's hands directly, and that the proper way to transport a sample from the bathroom to the lab is inside of a purse. She agreed and offered the appropriate way to give a sample over to a lab tech or nurse hand to hand if the situation were necessary.
We both eagerly agreed with the notion that one should be sure to give as little a sample as possible of either, but were unsure of exactly how much might be too little, which would make you have to do it all over again.
We shrieked with laughter as we verbally brought to life an imaginary scenario where someone turns in their entire (freakishly large) bowel movement, and then the moment got serious as I confided a very personal and emotional story from my childhood in which I fill my urine sample cup up to the rim during a doctor's visit, giving them about 2 cups worth of my urine and how my mom came in after me and poured the excess out, shaking her head and saying "You don't have to give them that much".
It was around this time that I tore my attention away from this engrossing conversation and looked up, straight into the lens of a videocamera (and behind it, a grinning cameraman) standing three feet away from us, recording the whole thing for the ages.