We went out and bought a 14 pound turkey at Walmart and I downloaded a recipe off Epicurious. We informed everyone of the Thanksgiving dinner that would be held the next night and of course I blew it up and made it a huge deal, biggest party of the year.
I came home and excitedly started to brine my turkey. I was following the directions from my recipe, but mid-brine process, something just didn't feel right. I trusted my killer instincts and went and called my Mom, who laughed at me and asked me if I bought my turkey frozen. Appalled, I said yes, and added that just because I am in Mexico does not mean that we buy all of our meat straight out of the slaughterhouse. We do have supermarkets, and nice ones, I said. She laughed again and said, "No, it's just that it takes 3-4 days to defrost a turkey. You can't have your Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, sweetie."
So I had to WAIT. It's excruciating to have to wait for something, and at that point I hated turkey and thanksgiving and was already on to something else, WRITING A MYSTERY NOVEL like Patricia Highsmith or Paul Auster, specifically Paul Aster because I just started "City of Glass" and it's inspired me.
It's about a man named Quinn who is a writer of mystery novels. Quinn accidentally becomes involved in a mystery himself when he answers the phone and it's people looking for Paul Auster to do some detective work, and he accepts, to make his life more exciting, and impersonates his own character that he's created for his mystery novels, Max Work, who is a private eye, but at the same time pretending to be Paul Auster, the person who really writes about him. So cool.
Anyway, since I invited the whole world to my in-law's house for Thanksgiving dinner, I had to make the turkey, so I was obligated to go all out on it once it defrosted (on SUNDAY). Turns out that I make the world's best turkey. OH and I started a tradition. I also made a new tradition with my mashed potatoes with Manchego cheese and chipotle, which is my own creation.

(It's waving hello!)