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Last year, for Halloween, I dressed up as Samara. It was a genius costume. I had on a black wig with long slimy hair, white makeup with black circles under the eyes, a white plain dress that was really a nightgown that I bought at Chedraui for 5 bucks, white knee socks and black mary janes. I looked like death. But that wasn't the genius part: I made a TV and wore it around my shoulders like I was coming out of it. The TV was crafted out of a box I found at my old apartment and I attached a real TV antenna to it, and wrote the word SONY on the bottom. Genius. Everyone thought it was hysterical and I won, of course. It was so successful that my friend and old roommate is going to make a Samara costume this year and wear it to her work, because they're having a costume contest and she's going to win a cash prize. Of course she'll win.
Last year, CC's best friend went as CC. He wore a gross mask that didn't even look like him and tied a preppy hey buffy sweater around his neck. Nobody laughed, lame. So this year, CC says he's going to the party as his best friend, as revenge. He's going to stuff his stomach and make a beer belly and somehow fake a receding hairline (all exaggerated, of course) and draw a massive fake tattoo on his arm thats all messed up because he got laser removal that wasn't 100% effective. Because this friend of his is an alcoholic and his beverage of choice is beer, I had the suggestion that I go as a human beer bottle (indio) and that CC can walk around hanging on to me all night.
Here is a preliminary sketch of my costume.